Shepherds of Light

The eShepherds doing their Blue Man Group imitation

Our Mission:

... bringing together lights and music to celebrate the Christmas season!

If you're in Southern California, come by and see us. Otherwise, you can catch some of our videos on You Tube - search for "eShepherds of Light". You can also leave us a note on our contacts page - we'd love to hear from you!





The Christmas 2012 season is now over, and the front yard is dark again, but the cast is busy discussing their upgrade plans for the 2013 show season. Tentative season start will be shortly after Thanksgiving if all goes according to plan.






What's your favorite?

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We're already planning next year's show, so here's your chance to vote for what you want to see. more...

Take our poll ...

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Are you more or less likely to buy music of the featured artists? more...